What is a Wi-Fi access point?

Everyone wants to connect to the internet for different reasons, some doing business, research and development, marketing, product research to buy, online purchase, and more interests. In different settings or environments, different devices are used to allow users to be connected to the internet which ranges from routers, and switches, to access points (wired or wireless) and range extenders. In this text, we are going to explain the role of both wired and wireless access points, and how they are different from range extenders.


An access point receives data through an internet cable called an Ethernet and converts it to a 2.4GHz or 5GHz wireless signal (Wi-Fi signal). It sends and receives wireless traffic (data in the form of text, video, audio and more) to and from users connected nearby. Access does not contain a firewall and hence can not protect you against threats from the internet, which is different from a router (wired or wireless).


Access points can be connected from a router or switch to extend the signal strength (or Wi-Fi coverage) in your business setting, home, distant rooms, dead spots, or any other room. Using a wireless extender halves the bandwidth which is less advantageous than an access point. This is because a wireless extender is half-duplex, meaning that either the router or extender can transmit data, but not both at the same moment. Trickmut Computers has a wide range of routers, range extenders, and wired and wireless access points that can save you in choosing which is the best for you.


Shop at Trickmut Computers from a variety brands of wired/wireless access points.
  • Linksys
  • TP Link
  • Ubiquiti-Unifi
  • Cisco
  • Huawei


Key Differences between an access point and a range extender

  1. An access point is a device that creates a wireless local area network, or WLAN, usually in an office or large building. An access point connects to a wired router, switch, or hub via an Ethernet cable, and projects a Wi-Fi signal to a designated area.
  2. A range extender lengthens the reach of an existing Wi-Fi network. Since range extenders connect wirelessly to Wi-Fi routers, they must be placed where the Wi-Fi router’s signal is already strong, not in the location of the actual dead spot.

A range extender repeats the wireless signal from your router to expand its reach by creating a second network, while an access point relies on a hardwired connection to your network, rather than simply repeating the existing network.

When you setup a wired access point it will function as a base Wi-Fi base station or a root Wi-Fi access point if it’s a mesh Wi-Fi setup. In a wired connection to the internet, a wired access point with connect up to four (4) access points, as their root access point. These four (4) access points will now act as repeaters, strengthening/repeating the signal without a change in bandwidth. if the connection is a mesh, then these other access points will act as extenders.

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