Computer Processors: AMD Ryzen VS Intel

What is a computer processor?

A computer processor is a chip to which it reads and interprets the commands by the hardware and software to bring user output. The faster the processor completes tasks by the user, such as running the OS when computer is turn ON, opening an MS document, playing video games or any application/software, the better the performance of the computer. The speed at which your computer’s cores and clock speed work together is considered its processing speed. Processor cores versus clock speed. Thus different computers can be categorized basing on their cores and generations such a Dual core (2 cores), core i3 (3 cores) and more. However, depending on generations, for example, you may find out that, the 9th generation Core i9 computer has 8 cores.

Same as the computer have brands like HP, Lenovo, Dell, Acer and Microsoft (to mention a few), so as computer processors and other computer parts. In this text we’ll discuss sand compare the 2 giants for all time, in manufacturing computers processors, which are: Intel and the AMD Ryzen.

Intel has always been the go-to source for the fastest processors. Everyone knew that Intel was the leader when it came to gaming performance. But with the release of the new Ryzen series processors from AMD, all of that changed. The performance and price disparity between Intel and AMD used to make Intel a clear winner and an obvious choice. AMD now has very competitive processors, and Intel may not be the ultimate leader anymore.

Key points

  • Intel offers the Core i-series processors: The Core i3, i5, i7, and i9. AMD has a lineup of powerful Ryzen processors, the 3000, 5000, 7000, and 9000 series CPUs.
  • If you’re looking for a processor with integrated graphics, then Intel is going to be the ideal CPU for you.
  • Ryzen does have a few models with integrated graphics, most notably the Ryzen 5 5600G and the Ryzen 7 5700G APUs.


For the Intel, it has support for DDR5 and PCIe 5.0, whereas AMD is still stuck on old standards. However, this makes Intel motherboard costs higher, as well as the power usage. Ryzen makes much more energy-efficient processors. Intel’s chips also hold the crown on overclockability for both core and memory frequencies, and not by a small margin. If you spend the cash on a Z-series motherboard, you’ll attain far more overclocking headroom than you’ll get with the Ryzen 7000 chips.

When AMD launched the new Zen-based architecture, they significantly changed the expectations we had for CPUs. While Intel was stuck to the older 14nm technology and Skylake architecture, AMD completely redesigned its CPU range with a new, more powerful, and power-efficient series of processors.

Because AMD has traditionally been recognized for manufacturing low-cost but substandard CPUs, Intel has always been regarded as the dominant force. Since the advent of the Ryzen series, Intel has been competing with AMD for supremacy. Intel’s CPU costs have been dropped across the board, bringing them in line with AMD’s Ryzen pricing point.

The choice of the type of a processor a computer has, goes down to your needs for the use of the computer. You want a recommendation for a computer best for you, check our store or get in touch with us here?

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